"TODO ..." and better behavior if already comment exists
Problem reported by dnd82077 - 8/16/2019 at 4:25 AM
The following situation: Comments were added automatically with the "Document File" function. In addition, the "TODO" option is enabled so that a "TODO" entry is created during automatic documentation.

Problem: If only the "TODO" entry is then deleted without the automatically created comments having been edited, a "TODO" entry will be created again after "Document File" is executed again.

This should not be the case, because the automatic comment can be OK.

2 Replies

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Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post Marked As Resolution
We have solved the issue. Please email us to support@submain.com and can provide you with an interim build.
dnd82077 Replied
Thank you so much!
It now works as expected.

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