Why is GhostDoc loading Projects? How to turn it off?
Problem reported by NerdPad - 5/3/2019 at 3:17 PM
How do you turn off all the GhostDoc feature related to Solution/Project? I am only interested in the basic comment generation.

It's super annoying that GhostDoc makes loading large solutions incredibly slow because it starts going through all the projects in my solution.

How can I make this stop?

3 Replies

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Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post

Please clarify what do you mean in "feature related to Solution/Project". 
Are you using GhostDoc Community or GhostDoc Pro? What version?
NerdPad Replied
I am using GhostDoc community, and by default when you load a project. GhostDoc starts analyzing all the project, indicated by the status bar message "GhostDoc: Loading project "<Project Name>"..".

This loading process takes a lot of time, and not sure why is this necessary.
Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post
When the solution starts GhostDoc does not analyze anything. Instead, it loads the project structure (files, all project configurations, etc.) from Visual Studio. Moreover, it loads asynchronously in a background thread and does not affect Visual Studio performance.

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