Super Annoying Behavior
Problem reported by Robert May - 4/1/2019 at 1:38 PM
We're building a project for Kafka.  Kafka has topics, which are super important.

For some reason, whenever the word "topic" is used in a method name, property or whatever, GhostDoc insists on assuming we're talking about a picture.  For example:

        /// <summary>
        /// Converts to pic.
        /// </summary>
        /// <value>The status topic.</value>
        public string StatusTopic { get; set; }

SOOO annoying.

I can't find the rule/thing that is causing this behavior either.

Please make it stop.

I'm using the stock rules (no modifications).

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Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post Marked As Resolution
Hi Robert, 

We cannot reproduce the issue. Here is XML comment GhostDoc Pro generated for this property:

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the status topic.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The status topic.</value>
/// <remarks>Blank remarks</remarks>
public string StatusTopic { get; set; }

Can you please backup/remove Configuration.gdc file from c:\Users\<user>\Documents\SubMain\GhostDoc Pro for VS20XX\ and try again.

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