Are record types not documented?
Question asked by Joeri Onneweer - 11/9/2023 at 12:57 AM
It seems that ghostdoc doesn't generate documentation for record types. Is this a bug or by design?

10 Replies

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Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post
Hi Joeri,

GhostDoc supports documenting for record types. Could you please provide us with a sample project or code snippet which can reproduce the issue?
Joeri Onneweer Replied
I added a stripped down version of a project, the file 'quicknote' is the one that isn't providing documentation on the record type.
Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post

That's strange, I've just opened the project you provided and run Document File against the QuickNote file. 
It works.
Joeri Onneweer Replied
That's kind of weird indeed. It does work in other projects we have, but in this project it just doesn't add documentation. Can't find out what the difference is. I tested this also with a colleague of mine, but has the same issue. 
Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post

Please send us the log file from c:\Users\<user>\Documents\SubMain\GhostDoc <edition> for VS<vs version>\GhostDoc<edition>.log to the support@submain.com for troubleshooting.
Joeri Onneweer Replied
I created a new log file, only opened this project and selected 'document file'.

GhostDoc Pro.zip
Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post

Please contact us at support@submain.com and we will provide you with an interim build.
Paul Replied
I am having the same (or at least similar) problem. The GhostDoc Pro keyboard shortcut and various menu options for documenting files/types/members, etc. aren't working for record types. If I use Visual Studio's triple slash ///, then some placeholders get generated.

I'm trying to document a record type defined like this:

namespace Foo;

public record class Vertex(double Xdouble Y);
This produces the following error:

Exception Source: Parser exception
Exception Message: error: identifier '{' expected, FileName: C:\Foo\Vertex.cs
Line: 8, Col: 21,
Line text: "public record class Vertex(double X, double Y);"
Not sure if it's related, but I'm also finding randomly that GhostDoc Pro is not showing up in the top-level Tools menu in Visual Studio. I have to mess with the toolbar settings to force it to show up, but even when it's there, documenting records still doesn't work.
Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi Paul, 

Please contact us at support@submain.com and we will provide you with an interim build. We have already fixed the issue with record types.
We cannot control how GhostDoc appears in the Tools menu. It is how the Visual Studio behaves.
Paul Replied
Thank you Misha. I'm not sure if we will be able to adopt an interm, non-production build at my company. When will the next formal release of GhostDoc Pro be please?

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