The form is called MessageHelp. I used the Comment Editor to build help with a <Returns> tag. After I saved, I get:
''' This form shows and allows editing of the <see cref="HelpMessage">Help Message</see> object.
''' <para>This form will return a <see cref="">DialogResult</see>
''' value as follows:</para>
''' <list type="bullet">
''' <item>OK indicates a normal exit of the form after updating the object.</item>
''' <item>Cancel indicates an Add for the object was canceled.</item>
''' <item>Ignore indicates a normal exit of the form without updating the object.</item>
''' </list>
The <Returns> tag is shown in error as:
XML comment tag 'returns' is not permitted on a 'class' language element.
I presume this is a limitation in VS itself since it is a method of the class (ShowDialog) that
returns the object. However, there is no ShowDialog code I can attach any return
documentation to. So my question is how do I document this?
The only way I can figure out is to use <Remarks>, but that seems less than optimal.