When I Document a file, Where does GhostDoc get Company from?
Question asked by Randy L Gordey - 7/7/2021 at 5:25 AM
Right now, I am getting "HP Inc.." for the copyright company (which I think is from Windows 10) and company is listed as the Assembly name. How can I change this for my whole Solution and if not my project?

I looked at the rules template for File Header, How do I set Context.AssemblyCompany or Context.AssemblyCopyright?

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Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi Randy, 

As for the company GhostDoc first of all checks for an existing "company" tag in the existing file header. 
If not found it searches for the "Company" property of the EnvDTE.Project object (it seems, it takes it from the AssemblyCompany attribute). If not found we use the global property name which you can find/set/change in GhostDoc->Options->Global Properties->CompanyName.

For the Copyright, it is the same as for the "Company" except if it finally not found Ghost uses the "Copyright (c) " + Context.GetGlobalProperty("CompanyName") + ". All rights reserved."

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