How to enable inheritdoc usage in GhostDoc
Question asked by Mark - 3/13/2020 at 5:41 AM

in your Release notes you mentioned:
Added:<inheritdoc /> tag - added Options -> Solution Options -> General -> "Use <inheritdoc /> tag for inherited comments" setting. When checked, GhostDoc will insert the <inheritdoc /> tag instead of copying the base member documentation.
   Note: When using the <inheritdoc /> remember it is a custom tag and you must use GhostDoc to generate help documentation and VS Intellisense files. 

I have a newer version in Visual Studio installed, but in options - SolutionOptions -> General I have no Use <inheritdoc>. I only have "Search for inherited comments only within the project"

How can I enable this option?

4 Replies

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Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post
Hi Mark, 

What GhostDoc version and editing are you using? 
Right, in a new GhostDoc version that option is in the SolutionOptions -> General 

If you select that option and document member which has base member we insert the <inheritdoc> tag.
Then, if you click Build Help Documentation we retrieve base member comments and insert into a current member in the help file.

Serge B. Replied
Employee Post

In addition to Misha's comments, I want to clarify that <inheritdoc /> is not a Visual Studio feature, this is something that GhostDoc adds. VS is not aware of the <inheritdoc />

Serge Baranovsky
SubMain Software
(800) 936-2134
Mark Replied

@Mischa: This is exactly what I want. If I Say Document this, I do not want to get the xml comment copied from base class, instead I want to get only a <Inheritdoc />.
maybe I need the pro version? But here is my setting:
Visual Studio 2019 16.4.4 Prof.

Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Yes, you need to have either Pro or Enterprise version.

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