CodeIt.Right Release Schedule
Question asked by Steve Marshall - 3/4/2020 at 6:12 AM
Just a general question. Is there a fixed release schedule for CodeIt.Right, or is it just when a suitable release candidate is ready? In either case is there any indication of when the next release is likely to be?

I was just wondering as I am on the latest version 3.3.18070 released 9th March 2018, almost two years ago. Purely selfish reasons as I know there is a fix that will come with the next version that solves an issue I have.

I know it is only cosmetic, but I am now being absolutely hounded for the Code Statistics for my latest software release by the Project Manager. He seems not to care that the statistics I get are incorrect/invalid due to the issue, and I just want to shut him up to be fair.

I know (and you know) that this is a ridiculous requirement, but some standards are there to be ridiculed, and this is one of them. If the release is still way distant, then I will just write some code to parse my code modules and generate some statistics that look somewhat close to the mark to keep him happy.


4 Replies

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Serge B. Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi Steve,

v3.3 is not the latest one - we have released v2019 summer last year. Please make sure you download the latest build.

There will be v2020 update later this spring but you are welcome to email us at support (at) submain (dot) com us at support at submain dot com and request the most current nightly build.

Serge Baranovsky
SubMain Software
(800) 936-2134
Steve Marshall Replied
Thanks for the reply Serge. I have used the “Check For Updates” option but it always reports that I am up to date! Is there any reason that it would report me as up to date when I am not?

If necessary I will check directly for the latest version and install it. I will not need to take a release “off cycle” as I have written code to generate me some approximate statistics, so my immediate grief from my manager has gone (for now).


Serge B. Replied
Employee Post

The updates are reported for the major version you have. The reason is that the new major version may require a paid upgrade (if the software assurance subscription is not current). We have had unhappy users upgrading to the new version they did not have a license for.

Email us at the email above and we will provide you with a download link to the latest interim private nightly build.

Serge Baranovsky
SubMain Software
(800) 936-2134
Steve Marshall Replied
Okay Serge, I will email into the Support Email. My Software Assurance Subscription is good through December 2020:


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